The Metaverse Hits the NFL

Written By Christian DeHaemer

Posted September 17, 2021

Last weekend was the start of the NFL season. The mighty Baltimore Ravens lost a squeaker on Monday night, and the evil Pittsburgh Steelers pulled one out over the Buffalo Bills. So already things are off to a bad start in the AFC North.

Even if you aren’t a football fan, you have to admire the pageantry and showmanship that the league puts on every year.  

If you happened to be in the Carolina Panthers’ stadium last Sunday, you would have been amazed by the mixed-reality panther that jumped around from the field to the scoreboard and ate a Jets banner.

You can see it here.

It was created by a group called the Famous Group.

This is all part of what I call spatial computing and what Marc Zuckerberg calls the metaverse

In his most recent earnings call, Zuck said, “In the coming years, I expect people will transition from seeing us primarily as a social media company to seeing us as a metaverse company.”

FB executive Andrew Bosworth posted on Facebook:

The metaverse is already here as a collection of digital worlds, each with its own physics to determine what’s possible within them. The defining quality of the metaverse will be presence — the feeling of really being there with people — and Facebook Reality Labs has been focused on building products that deliver presence across digital spaces for years. Today, Portal and Oculus can teleport you into a room with another person, regardless of physical distance, or to new virtual worlds and experiences. But to achieve our full vision of the metaverse, we also need to build the connective tissue between these spaces — so you can remove the limitations of physics and move between them with the same ease as moving from one room in your home to the next.

This is happening now. Spatial computing takes information into the third dimension and adapts it in real time. It is a combination of artificial intelligence, big data, ubiquitous sensors, 5G, the internet of things, and virtual reality.

Beyond the flash, there are real moneymaking trends taking place. For example, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory used the Department of Energy’s Argonne supercomputer to map over 170,000 buildings to determine the energy usage in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

You see, these structures use 75%–80% of the city’s electricity, and the Oak Ridge crew is trying to figure out how to save some of that.

According to the Argonne National Laboratory, the Oak Ridge team “developed the Automatic Building Energy Modeling (AutoBEM) software, which is used to detect buildings, generate models and simulate building energy use for very large areas. Creating an energy picture of a large network of buildings, rather than looking at just one building or even several hundred, can illuminate areas of opportunity for planning the most effective energy-saving measures.”

The team created digital twins of 178,337 buildings in Chattanooga, with data updating every 15 minutes. It then used this model to project energy- and greenhouse gas-saving measures, including things like insulation and lighting changes.

At some point in the not so distant future, there will be a digital twin of the United States. It will have all of its structures with trillions of inputs updated in real time.  

In Chattanooga’s case, the models predicted between 500 and 3,000 pounds of carbon dioxide reduction per building per annum.

If you’re interested, you can read the scientific paper here.

This stuff is cool. It’s happening now, and early investors can profit from it. One company I recommended to my Bull and Bust Report readers jumped over 450% in just a few months because it developed a virtual reality training system for the proper transport and storage of COVID-19 vaccines. It is also involved in VR for military testing and training for systems, weapons, and even social justice causes like combating sexual harassment.

The company has since pulled back, giving you an opportunity to buy the dip. Join us today and start making real money.

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Christian DeHaemer

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Christian is the founder of Bull and Bust Report and an editor at Energy and Capital. For more on Christian, see his editor’s page.


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